

Custom char and animation on LCD 16x2

An LCD, which stands for liquid crystal display, is an electronic module used in various devices such as mobile phones, calculators, computers, and TV sets. It is a popular choice due to its affordability and versatility.

LCDs are commonly used for multi-segment light-emitting diodes and seven-segment displays.

One of the main advantages of LCD modules is their affordability. They are cost-effective and widely available, making them accessible for use in a range of applications. Additionally, LCDs are programmable, allowing for easy customization and flexibility.

This means you can display custom characters, and special symbols, and even create animations.

LCDs are widely used for visual feedback and data display in electronic projects. We will explore the steps involved in connecting the AT89C51 microcontroller to an LCD and programming it to display data on the screen.

AT89C51 And LCD 16x2 Connection Block Diagram


This is the heart of the system. You might use something like an Arduino or a PIC microcontroller. The microcontroller sends control signals and data to the LCD to tell it what to display.

Data Bus

The data bus consists of multiple lines (usually 8 or 4 in the case of LCD 16x2) that are used to transfer data from the microcontroller to the LCD. The bus is connected to the data pins of the LCD.

Control Lines

Besides the data bus, there are usually a few control lines. These include:

RS (Register Select)

This line tells the LCD whether the data it is receiving on the data bus is a command (RS=0) or character/data (RS=1).

RW (Read/Write)

This line tells the LCD whether the microcontroller wants to read from it (RW=1) or write to it (RW=0).

EN (Enable)

This line is used to tell the LCD when data is ready for reading or writing.

LCD 16x2

This is the display where the data sent from the microcontroller is shown. The LCD has pins for power, ground, data, and control signals.

Power Supply

Both the microcontroller and the LCD need a power supply. The power requirements would depend on the specific components used.


Both the microcontroller and the LCD need to be grounded.

memory The AT89C51 microcontroller is an 8-bit microcontroller based on the 8051 architecture. It is widely used in various embedded systems applications due to its simplicity, versatility, and low cost. One common application is interfacing it with a 16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module, which allows for displaying text and basic graphical information.

Hardware Connections

To interface an AT89C51 microcontroller with a 16x2 LCD, specific hardware connections need to be established. The connections involve linking the microcontroller's GPIO pins with the control and data lines of the LCD module.

AT89C51 And LCD 16x2 Connections

To interface the AT89C51 with a 16x2 LCD module, the following connections need to be made -

AT89C51 Pins

subdirectory_arrow_rightPort pins ( P2.0 to P2.7): Connected to data lines (D0-D7) of the LCD.

subdirectory_arrow_rightPort pins (P0.7, P0.6, P0.5): Connected to control lines (RS, RW, E) of the LCD.

LCD Pins

subdirectory_arrow_rightVCC and GND: Connected to the supply voltage (usually +5V) and ground, respectively.

subdirectory_arrow_right Contrast Adjust: Connected to a potentiometer for adjusting the contrast of the LCD.

subdirectory_arrow_right RS (Register Select): Connected to P0.7 of AT89C51.

subdirectory_arrow_rightRW (Read/Write): Connected to P0.6 of AT89C51.

subdirectory_arrow_rightE (Enable): Connected to P0.5 of AT89C51.

subdirectory_arrow_rightD0-D7: Connected to P2 or any other port pins of AT89C51, depending on the configuration.

Software steps to print information
on lcd 16x2 module

Initialization of LCD module

To communicate with the LCD module, the AT89C51 needs to send commands and data to it. Here's a step-by-step process for initializing the LCD:

  1. Configure the data and control pins as output in the AT89C51.
  2. Apply appropriate delays for power stabilization of the LCD module (typically around 15-20ms).
  3. Send the initialization commands to the LCD module as per its datasheet.
  4. Set the LCD to 8-bit mode or 4-bit mode.
  5. Specify the number of display lines (2 lines for a 16x2 LCD).
  6. Set the font size (5x8 dots or 5x10 dots).
  7. Turn on the display and cursor.
  8. Set the entry mode and display shift options.
  9. Apply a small delay to allow the LCD to process the commands.

Writing Data and Commands

Once the LCD is initialized, you can send data and commands to display information. Here's a brief overview:

Writing a Command

Before sending a command, ensure that the RS (Register Select) pin is low (0) to indicate a command operation. Set the RW (Read/Write) pin to low (0) for a write operation. Pulse the E (Enable) pin high (1) and then low (0) to latch the command.

Writing Data

To send data, set the RS (Register Select) pin to high (1) to indicate a data operation. Set the RW (Read/Write) pin to low (0) for write operation. Pulse the E (Enable) pin high (1) and then low (0) to latch the data.

Displaying Text

To display text on the LCD, send each character's ASCII code individually using the write data operation.

Print single Character on lcd 16x2

To interface the AT89C51 with the 16x2 LCD, you'll need to write a program in a suitable programming language such as C or assembly language. Here's a simplified example in C -

#include <reg51.h>  // Include AT89C51 Register Definitions
#define LCD_DATA P2    // Port for LCD data lines
sbit RS = P0^7;        // Register Select pin
sbit RW = P0^6;        // Read/Write pin
sbit E = P0^5;         // Enable pin

void delay_ms(unsigned int ms) {
    unsigned int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 1275; j++); // Adjust this value for the desired delay

void LCD_Command(unsigned char cmd) {
    LCD_DATA = cmd;  // Send command to data pins
    RS = 0;          // Set RS low for command mode
    RW = 0;          // Set RW low for write operation
    E = 1;           // Enable pulse high
    delay_ms(5);     // Provide some delay
    E = 0;           // Enable pulse low

void LCD_Init() {
    LCD_Command(0x38);  // Initialize LCD for 8-bit, 2-line, 5x8 font mode
    LCD_Command(0x0C);  // Display on, cursor off
    LCD_Command(0x01);  // Clear display
    LCD_Command(0x80);  // Set cursor position to line 1, column 1

void LCD_WriteChar(unsigned char ch) {
    LCD_DATA = ch;    // Send character to data pins
    RS = 1;           // Set RS high for data mode
    RW = 0;           // Set RW low for write operation
    E = 1;            // Enable pulse high
    delay_ms(5);      // Provide some delay
    E = 0;            // Enable pulse low

void main() {
    LCD_Init();               // Initialize LCD
    LCD_WriteChar('A');       // Display a single character
    while (1) {}              // Infinite loop


Custom char and animation on LCD 16x2

To begin, we'll define the custom characters by setting the desired dot patterns for each row of the 5x8 character grid. This allows us to create up to eight unique custom characters. We'll store the patterns in a character array and assign index numbers for easy reference.

Once the custom characters are defined, we'll send them to the LCD using the appropriate command codes. By setting the RS (Register Select) pin low and the RW (Read/Write) pin low, we can send the command codes to the LCD to instruct it to store the custom characters in memory.
