Introduction to 'volatile' in C

When diving into the realm of C programming, one is bound to come across various keywords that enrich the language's functionality. Among these, the `volatile` keyword plays a pivotal role, especially in the domain of embedded systems and when dealing with hardware interfaces.

Volatile Keyword

What is the 'volatile' keyword?

The `volatile` keyword in C is a type qualifier that tells the compiler not to optimize or reorder accesses to a variable declared as `volatile`. This ensures that every time the variable is accessed in the code, it's read directly from its memory location, rather than using a cached value that might be out-of-date, especially in multi-threaded or hardware interfacing scenarios.

Why use 'volatile'?

Compiler optimizations can sometimes be a double-edged sword. While they enhance execution speed, they might inadvertently skip reading a variable directly from memory if the compiler believes the value hasn't changed.

This assumption can lead to issues, especially when the variable's value can be altered unexpectedly, like in the case of hardware registers or shared variables in multi-threading.

In C programming, the 'volatile' keyword is used to indicate that a variable can be modified by external entities outside the program's control.

It informs the compiler that the variable's value may change unexpectedly, and therefore, the compiler should avoid applying certain optimizations that assume the variable's value remains unchanged.

Working with 'volatile'

Declaring a variable as `volatile` is straightforward:

volatile int sensorValue;

With this declaration, the compiler ensures that it does not make assumptions about the variable's value and always fetches it directly from its memory location.

How to use volatile keyword in c?

volatile int sensorValue;

void readSensor() {
  // Read sensor value from external device
  sensorValue = readExternalSensor();

int main() {
  // Perform operations
  // ...

  // Use the sensor value
  int value = sensorValue;
  printf("Sensor Value: %d\n", value);

  return 0;


In this example, the 'sensorValue' variable is declared as volatile.

This indicates that its value may change at any time due to external factors, such as hardware interrupts or other threads accessing shared memory.

The 'readSensor()' function is responsible for updating the value of 'sensorValue' by reading it from an external sensor. Inside the 'main()' function, the volatile variable is used, and its value is printed to the console.

label_important The 'volatile' keyword ensures that the compiler does not optimize the accesses to the volatile variable.

It instructs the compiler to always read or write the variable directly from memory, rather than relying on cached values or optimizations.

This is necessary to ensure that the most up-to-date value of the variable is always used, even if it changes unexpectedly.

The 'volatile' keyword is commonly used when working with hardware registers, shared memory, or variables accessed by multiple threads or interrupt service routines.

It helps prevent subtle bugs that may arise from incorrect assumptions about the stability of variable values.

However, it should be used with caution, as excessive use of 'volatile' can hinder certain optimizations and potentially impact performance.

Common Scenarios for Using 'volatile'

1. Hardware Register Access

Embedded systems often interact with hardware registers. The values of these registers can change unexpectedly without any explicit modification in the program. Using the `volatile` keyword ensures the program reads the actual current value of the register.

2. Multi-threaded Applications

In multi-threaded applications, shared variables can be accessed and modified by multiple threads. Declaring such shared variables as `volatile` ensures that threads always get the most recent value of the variable.

'volatile' vs 'const'

While both `volatile` and `const` are type qualifiers in C, they serve different purposes.

While `const` tells the compiler that the variable's value won't change once initialized, `volatile` indicates that the variable's value can change without any apparent reason from the compiler's perspective.


The `volatile` keyword in C is a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can significantly enhance code reliability, especially in scenarios involving hardware interfaces or multi-threaded applications. While it might seem like a minor detail, understanding its nuances can be the difference between a perfectly functioning program and one plagued with inexplicable bugs.

