

ATtiny10 Microcontroller


ATtiny24 Microcontroller

Tiny AVR microcontrollers, a product line from Microchip Technology, are a powerful and versatile set of devices used by developers, hobbyists, and students around the world. These microcontrollers are built on advanced RISC architecture, enabling them to execute instructions swiftly and efficiently. They are an integral part of the larger AVR family, known for their compact size, performance, and power efficiency.

One of the most remarkable features of Tiny AVR microcontrollers is their deterministic real-time control response. They come equipped with a hardware-based connectivity matrix that allows peripherals to communicate with each other independently of the CPU core. This feature facilitates energy conservation and enhances determinism in control loops. Moreover, this event system is easily configurable with Microchip's free software tools, helping reduce system validation time significantly.

Tiny AVR microcontrollers are designed to reduce costs and the PCB footprint. They feature an accurate and temperature-stable 20 MHz internal RC oscillator, Configurable Custom Logic (CCL), and Core Independent Peripherals. The CCL is an adaptable on-chip module capable of handling a range of system tasks from simple digital signal inversion to complex event sequencing, offering significant cost savings to embedded designs. The small 3 x 3 mm 20-pin QFN package further minimizes PCB footprint, enabling developers to create extremely compact designs.

The Tiny AVR series offers responsive signal acquisition through a 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with conversion speeds of up to 115,000 samples per second, ensuring precise and timely analog signal acquisition.

Triggering and notifications can be transmitted to other peripherals without CPU intervention, enabling robust and deterministic responses to system events. Some Tiny AVR models feature two 10-bit ADCs, allowing advanced touch sensing and analog signal acquisitions to be performed simultaneously.

Moreover, the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) built into the Tiny AVR microcontrollers provides robust hardware for capacitive touch measurement on sensors functioning as buttons, sliders, and wheels. The PTC operates independently from the CPU, ensuring low CPU utilization and reduced power consumption.

Tiny AVR microcontrollers also come with built-in safety features to add robustness and reliability to applications. These include the Windowed Watchdog Timer (WDT), the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) feature for scanning the Flash memory, and fault detection using the Event System. These safety features are critical for applications that require high reliability.

Key attributes of Tiny AVR microcontrollers include:

  • Internal 20 MHz oscillator
  • Up to 32 KB of Flash memory
  • Up to 2 10-bit ADCs
  • Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC)
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scan
  • 16-bit real-time clock and periodic interrupt timer
  • Configurable Custom Logic (CCL) peripheral
  • Up to 6-channel peripheral event system
  • Analog comparator with scalable reference input
  • Configurable, internally generated reference voltage
  • USART/SPI/dual-mode TWI
  • 1.8V–5.5V operating voltage range
  • -40 C to 125 C operating temperature range

Whether you're a beginner just starting your journey in the world of microcontrollers, or a seasoned developer creating sophisticated systems, Tiny AVR microcontrollers are a reliable choice. Their robustness and versatility, along with a supportive and expansive user community, make learning and experimenting with these devices an enriching experience.

Getting Started

Embarking on your journey with Tiny AVR microcontrollers can be an exciting venture. These powerful, compact devices from Microchip Technology are designed to provide flexibility and efficiency, making them an excellent choice for a variety of applications. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, getting started with Tiny AVR is a straightforward process.

done The first step is to familiarize yourself with the Tiny AVR series. These microcontrollers are built on advanced RISC architecture, offering speedy execution of instructions. They come in different models, each equipped with unique features and peripherals. Some of the common features include a 20 MHz internal RC oscillator, Configurable Custom Logic (CCL), and Core Independent Peripherals.

task_alt Choosing the right Tiny AVR model depends on your project requirements. Do you need more flash memory? Do you require advanced touch-sensing capabilities? Understanding the specifications of different models will guide you in making the right selection.

handyman To start programming your Tiny AVR microcontroller, you'll need the right set of tools. This includes a development environment, such as Atmel Studio or the Arduino IDE, and a programmer/debugger. The programmer could be a dedicated device like the Atmel-ICE or a simpler USB-to-serial converter, depending on your microcontroller and development environment.

tools_installation_kit Installing and setting up your development environment is an essential step. If you're using Atmel Studio, you'll have access to a comprehensive platform that supports coding, building, and debugging AVR applications. If you're using the Arduino IDE, you can leverage its simplicity and extensive library support.

code_blocks Once your development environment is set up, you're ready to write your first program. A simple program to start with is often a "blink" program, which toggles an LED connected to one of the microcontroller's GPIO pins. This basic program allows you to ensure that your development environment and hardware setup are functioning correctly.

After getting your first program up and running, you can start exploring the broader capabilities of the Tiny AVR series. This might include understanding its real-time control response, leveraging the built-in safety features, or exploring the touch-sensing capabilities.

Projects and Applications

Tiny AVR microcontrollers are versatile devices that can be used in a wide array of projects and applications. Their compact size, power efficiency, and robust set of features make them suitable for everything from simple hobby projects to more complex industrial applications. Here are some examples of what you can do with Tiny AVR microcontrollers:

LED Blinking

The simplest and most common starting point for working with microcontrollers is an LED blinking project. This project involves connecting an LED to one of the GPIO pins on the Tiny AVR and writing a program to turn the LED on and off at regular intervals.

Capacitive Touch Sensing

With the built-in Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC), Tiny AVR microcontrollers can be used to create projects that involve capacitive touch sensing. This could be as simple as creating touch-sensitive buttons, sliders, or wheels, or as complex as implementing multi-touch gestures.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Thanks to their low power consumption and robust set of features, Tiny AVR microcontrollers are perfect for IoT projects. This could involve creating a smart thermostat that can be controlled over the internet, building a network of environmental sensors for data collection, or even creating a smart home system.


The Tiny AVR microcontrollers can be used in robotics for tasks such as motor control, sensor reading, and autonomous decision-making. Their small size and power efficiency make them especially suited for small, battery-powered robots.

Embedded Systems

Tiny AVR microcontrollers are commonly used in embedded systems. This could be anything from a home automation system to a complex industrial control system. Their robust features and deterministic real-time control response make them well-suited for these applications.

Advanced Signal Acquisition

With up to two 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs), Tiny AVR microcontrollers can be used for projects involving advanced signal acquisition. This could involve anything from simple data logging to more complex signal processing applications.

Safety-Critical Applications

The built-in safety features in Tiny AVR microcontrollers, such as the Windowed Watchdog Timer (WDT) and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) scan, make them suitable for safety-critical applications. This could involve anything from automotive systems to industrial machinery control systems.

These are just a few examples of the countless projects and applications that can be realized using Tiny AVR microcontrollers. They offer a wealth of opportunities for learning, creativity, and innovation. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or a seasoned professional, the possibilities with Tiny AVR are virtually endless.


ATtiny10 Microcontroller

The ATtiny10 microcontroller is a powerful yet compact microcontroller that is designed to meet the requirements of low-power applications. It is an ideal choice for applications that require low power consumption and a small form factor.

The ATtiny10 microcontroller is also easy to use and program, making it an ideal choice for hobbyists and professionals alike. It can be programmed using various programming languages, including C, Cpp, and assembly language. Additionally, it is supported by a wide range of development tools, making it easy to get started with any project.

ATtiny24 Microcontroller
