Sizeof Keyword

The sizeof keyword in programming languages, particularly in C and C++, is used to determine the size of a data type or a variable in memory. The size is usually measured in bytes. This operator is quite useful in various programming contexts, such as memory allocation, array manipulations, and more.

sizeof operator

label_important In C programming, the 'sizeof' operator is used to determine the size in bytes of a data type or a variable. It allows you to retrieve the memory size occupied by a data type or the storage size of a particular object or variable.


'sizeof' is a unary operator in C and C++ that returns the size of a variable or datatype, measured in bytes.


It helps in determining the memory space requirements of variables and data structures, crucial for optimized memory allocation.

How Does 'sizeof' Work?

Here's a detailed explanation of how it works:

  • Compile-Time Evaluation

    One of the key aspects of sizeof is that it is evaluated at compile time, not at runtime. This means the compiler calculates the size of the data type or variable during the compilation process, rather than when the program is running.

    This feature helps in optimizing the program as it avoids runtime overhead.

  • Calculating Memory Size

    The primary function of sizeof is to return the size, in bytes, of a data type or variable. For example, sizeof(int) will return the size allocated for an integer type on the particular platform the code is compiled on.

    This size can vary depending on the system architecture, compiler, and even the compiler settings.

  • Usage with Different Data Types

    Primitive Data Types

    When used with primitive data types like int, char, float, etc., sizeof returns the amount of memory allocated to that type.


    For arrays, sizeof returns the total size in bytes of the array, which is the size of an individual element multiplied by the number of elements. For example, sizeof(arr) for an array arr of 10 integers will return the size of 10 integer elements.

    Structures and Unions

    In the case of structures and unions, sizeof returns the size required to store the entire structure or union, taking into account padding and alignment requirements.


    When used with pointers, sizeof returns the size of the pointer itself, not the size of the memory block it points to.

  • Constants and Variables

    The sizeof operator can be applied to both constants and variables. For instance, sizeof(4.5) will give the size of a double constant (assuming 4.5 is treated as a double), and sizeof(variable) will give the size of the type of variable.

  • Handling Dynamic Memory

    While sizeof is effective for static data types, it does not work for dynamic memory allocated using malloc, calloc, or similar functions, since it only returns the size of the pointer in such cases.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

    The use of sizeof enhances the portability of the code across different platforms by managing varying sizes of data types in different system architectures.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Example with basic data types
    printf("Size of int: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(int));
    printf("Size of char: %lu byte\n", sizeof(char));
    printf("Size of float: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(float));
    printf("Size of double: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(double));

    // Example with array
    int arr[10];
    printf("Size of array of 10 integers: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(arr));
    printf("Number of elements in the array: %lu\n", sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]));

    // Example with pointer
    int *ptr = arr;
    printf("Size of pointer: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(ptr));

    // Example with structures
    struct example {
        int a;
        char b;
        float c;
    printf("Size of structure: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(struct example));
    return 0;

Applications of sizeof

The sizeof operator in programming, particularly in C and C++, has several important applications that make it a vital tool for developers.

label Memory Allocation

sizeof is extensively used in dynamic memory allocation. When allocating memory for data structures using functions like malloc() or calloc(), sizeof helps determine the exact amount of memory required.

For example, malloc(sizeof(int) * 10) allocates memory for an array of 10 integers.

label Array Management

It is crucial for determining the size of arrays, especially when the size is not explicitly known. For instance, you can calculate the number of elements in an array arr using sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]).

This is particularly useful when arrays are passed to functions, as arrays decay to pointers and lose size information.

label Handling Structures and Unions

In C and C++, the size of structures and unions may not be intuitive due to padding and alignment requirements.

sizeof provides the actual size occupied by these data types, which is important for memory allocation and structure copying.

label Cross-Platform Development

Since the size of data types can vary across different architectures (e.g., the size of an int might be different on a 32-bit system compared to a 64-bit system), sizeof is used to write portable code that works correctly regardless of these differences.

label Buffer Size Calculation

For operations involving buffers, like reading from or writing to files, sizeof is used to determine the buffer size needed for data types or structures.

label Serialization and Deserialization

When performing serialization (converting a data structure into a byte stream for storage or transmission), sizeof helps in determining the number of bytes to be read or written.

label Validation of Data Types

It can be used in static assertions (compile-time assertions) to validate the size of data types. This is especially important in low-level programming where specific data type sizes are required.

label Memory Optimization

In embedded systems or resource-constrained environments, understanding the size of different data types using sizeof is crucial for optimizing memory usage.

label Compatibility Checks

sizeof assists in ensuring that code is compatible with different compilers or platforms by checking the sizes of various data types during the compilation process.

Common Misconceptions and Pitfalls

Pointers vs. Arrays

One common misunderstanding with sizeof relates to its use with pointers and arrays.

In C and C++, sizeof on an array returns the total size of the array in bytes. However, when used with a pointer, it returns the size of the pointer itself, not the size of the memory block it points to.


sizeof(arr) where arr is an array will give the total size in bytes of the entire array.


sizeof(ptr) where ptr is a pointer will return the size of the pointer (usually 4 bytes on a 32-bit architecture and 8 bytes on a 64-bit architecture), irrespective of the amount of memory it points to.

This difference is crucial when pointers are used to reference arrays, especially when passing arrays to functions since they decay to pointers.

Variable-Length Arrays

Variable-Length Arrays (VLAs) introduce a different behavior in the context of sizeof. For VLAs, sizeof returns the runtime size of the array, not a compile-time constant. This is because the size of a VLA is not known until runtime.


In the case of VLAs, sizeof acts more like a function that computes the size at runtime, which is different from its usual compile-time evaluation.

Best Practices and Tips

Static vs. Dynamic Size

Understanding when sizeof yields a static size (compile-time constant) versus a dynamic size (runtime evaluation) is important:

  • Static Data Types

    For static data types (like standard arrays, primitives, structs), sizeof gives a compile-time constant. This is useful for array size calculations, buffer sizes, etc

  • Dynamic Data Types

    For dynamically allocated memory (using malloc, calloc) and VLAs, sizeof might not give the expected results. In these cases, the size needs to be managed separately as sizeof will only return the size of the pointer for dynamically allocated memory.

Type Safety

Ensuring type safety with sizeof is critical to avoid errors:

  • Use sizeof(*ptr) instead of sizeof(ptr) when you want the size of the data pointed to by ptr.
  • When using sizeof with arrays, avoid potential errors by using sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) to get the number of elements.
  • Be mindful of the type that sizeof is evaluating, especially in complex expressions or function calls.
