Learn more Preprocessor Directive in C

More Preprocessor Directives

#undef Preprocessor Directive

  • The #undef preprocessor directive is a powerful tool in the world of C and C++.
  • It is used to remove a previously defined macro from the symbol table.
  • This can be particularly useful when working with large codebases that have many macros defined, some of which may have conflicting names or definitions.

Syntax of #undef

The syntax of the #undef directive is straightforward. It takes a single argument, which is the name of the macro to be undefined.

#undef FOO

This will remove the macro named FOO from the symbol table.

It is important to note that the #undef directive does not have any effect on variables or functions. It only works on macros.

Uses of #undef

The #undef directive is often used in conjunction with the #define directive.

When defining a macro, it is good practice to first check whether it has already been defined and if so, to undefine it before redefining it.

This ensures that the macro is only defined once, preventing conflicts and potential errors.

#ifndef FOO
    #define FOO 42
    #undef FOO
    #define FOO 42

#warning preprocessor directive

The #warning preprocessor directive in C is used to issue a warning message during compilation.

This can be useful for alerting developers to potential issues or reminding them to complete a certain task.

#ifndef DEBUG_MODE
#warning "Debug mode is not enabled."
  • In this example, the #ifndef directive checks whether the DEBUG_MODE macro is defined.
  • If it is not defined, the #warning directive will issue a warning message saying "Debug mode is not enabled."

This can be useful for reminding developers to enable debug mode during development.

Here is another example that uses #warning to remind the developer to remove a piece of code before production.

// Debug code here
#warning "Remove debug code before production!"

  • In this example, the #ifdef directive checks whether the DEBUG_MODE macro is defined.
  • If it is defined, the code inside the #ifdef block will be compiled.

Otherwise, the #warning directive will issue a warning message saying "Remove debug code before production!" This can be useful for ensuring that no debug code accidentally makes it into the production build.

#error preprocessor directive

The #error preprocessor directive in C is used to generate a compilation error with a specific error message.

The #error preprocessor directive in C is used to generate a compilation error with a specific error message.

#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L
#error "C11 standard or later is required for this program."

  • In this example, the #if directive checks whether the __STDC_VERSION__ macro is defined and its value is less than 201112L, which corresponds to the C11 standard.
  • If this condition is true, the #error directive will generate a compilation error with the message "C11 standard or later is required for this program".
  • This can be useful for ensuring that the program is compiled with a compatible C version.

Here is another example that uses #error to catch an invalid configuration

#error "Too many threads specified, maximum is 8."
  • In this example, the #if directive checks whether the NUM_THREADS macro is defined and its value is greater than 8.
  • If this condition is true, the #error directive will generate a compilation error with the message "Too many threads specified, maximum is 8".
  • This can be useful for catching invalid configurations and providing feedback to developers.

#line preprocessor directive

In C programming, a preprocessor is a tool that processes source code before it is compiled.

The #line preprocessor directive is used to control the line number and file name information that is emitted by the C compiler during compilation.

This directive can be useful for debugging or for generating better error messages.

#line 10 "myfile.c"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

  • In the above example, the #line directive is used to set the line number to 10 and the file name to "myfile.c".

    This means that any errors or warnings generated during compilation will reference this line number and file name instead of the actual line number and file name in the source code.

The #line directive can also be used to reset the line number and file name information. Here's an example -

#line 1 "newfile.c"
#include <stdio.h>int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
#line 5 "newfile.c"
    printf("This is line number 5.\n");
#line 10 "newfile.c"
    printf("This is line number 10.\n");
#line 15 "newfile.c"
    printf("This is line number 15.\n");
    return 0;

In this example, the #line directive is used to set the line number and file name information at various points in the source code.

The output of this program will show the different line numbers in the printf statements, even though they are not actually on those lines in the source code.

This can be useful for generating more meaningful error messages or for other debugging purposes.

