
Microchip Development Tools

Table Of Contents

The world of microcontroller development is vast and complex, yet Microchip Technology Inc. has consistently been at the forefront, offering a range of development tools that cater to both beginners and experienced professionals.

Microchip Technology

Microchip Technology is renowned for its robust range of microcontrollers, particularly the PIC and AVR series. These microcontrollers are versatile, efficient, and suitable for a plethora of applications, from simple DIY projects to complex industrial systems.

The Microchip Development Ecosystem

The Microchip development ecosystem is a rich and integrated environment designed to support the entire lifecycle of product development, from conception to deployment.

This ecosystem is built around a combination of software tools, hardware development boards, integrated development environments (IDEs), and a supportive community.

Here's a closer look at its key components:

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)


This is the cornerstone of Microchip's software tools. MPLAB X is a free, integrated development environment for the development of embedded applications using Microchip's microcontrollers and digital signal controllers.

It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux and provides a consistent user experience across these platforms. Key features include project management tools, an editor, a debugger, and MPLAB's code configurator.

2. MPLAB Harmony

This is a comprehensive, flexible, and interoperable software development framework for the PIC32 microcontrollers.

Harmony includes a set of peripheral libraries, drivers, system services, middleware, and a graphical configuration tool to help speed up development.

3. Atmel Studio

For those working with AVR and ARM Cortex-M processors, Atmel Studio offers a complete development environment.

It integrates with the Advanced Software Framework (ASF) and Atmel Start to provide a robust platform for application development.

Software Tools

1. Compilers and Assemblers

Microchip offers MPLAB XC Compilers which are comprehensive solutions for programming in C and Assembly language. These are optimized for performance and provide extensive libraries and features.

1. Programmers and Debuggers

Tools like MPLAB ICD 4, MPLAB PICkit 4, and MPLAB REAL ICE offer in-circuit debugging capabilities, enabling real-time programming and examination of the code directly on the device.

Hardware Development Tools

1. Starter Kits and Development Boards

These kits offer a quick way to start developing with Microchip microcontrollers.

Examples include the Explorer 16/32 Development Board, PICDEM series, and Curiosity boards.

They often include integrated programmers/debuggers, user interfaces, and expansion capabilities.

2. Evaluation Kits

For specific applications or microcontroller families, evaluation kits provide targeted hardware, comprehensive documentation, and sample code to accelerate the learning curve.

Support and Community

1. Technical Support

Microchip provides extensive technical support through documentation, knowledge base articles, and customer support.

2. Online Community

Microchip maintains an active online community, including forums, blogs, and social media platforms where developers can share experiences, ask questions, and get advice from both Microchip experts and fellow developers.

Training and Education

1. Webinars and Training Sessions

Microchip regularly organizes webinars and training sessions, offering insights into best practices, new technologies, and advanced techniques in microcontroller development.

2. Documentation and Learning Resources

Extensive documentation, tutorials, and datasheets are available, offering a wealth of information for developers at all levels.

