Button Interfacing with the
W78E052 Microcontroller

In the evolving world of microcontroller applications, interfacing a button with the W78E052 microcontroller stands out as a fundamental yet pivotal technique for both beginners and seasoned professionals in the field of embedded systems. The W78E052, a versatile and powerful microcontroller, offers a range of features making it an ideal choice for a multitude of projects.

Understanding the Basics

Understanding the intricacies of button interfacing is crucial as it forms the basis of user input and control in embedded systems. From simple DIY projects to complex industrial applications, the ability to effectively integrate a button with the W78E052 microcontroller opens the door to a world of possibilities.

In the realm of electronics, a button (or a switch, as it's often called) is a simple device that can control the flow of an electric current. In its simplest form, a button has two states: pressed (closed) and not pressed (open).

The W78E052 microcontroller, on the other hand, is a complex beast. This 8-bit microcontroller from the 8051 family is equipped with 36 I/O lines, making it highly versatile and perfect for a wide array of applications - including button interfacing!

The Hardware Needed

Before we start, let's gather our tools. For this project, you'll need:

  • A W78E052 Development Board
  • A push button
  • A 10k ohm resistor
  • A breadboard and jumper wires

The resistor is used as a pull-down resistor to ensure that the microcontroller reads a LOW when the button is not pressed.

The Circuit Setup

With our tools ready, it's time to set up the circuit. We'll connect the button to one of the I/O pins of the W78E052 microcontroller, say P1.0. Here's the schematic:

// Schematic illustration
// W78E052 pin P1.0 ----- Button ----- VCC
//                      |
//                      ---- Resistor (10k Ohm) ---- GND

In this setup, one end of the button is connected to pin P1.0 of the microcontroller and to VCC, while the other end is connected to ground (GND) through a 10k ohm resistor. When the button is not pressed, the microcontroller reads a LOW. When the button is pressed, it reads a HIGH.

Writing the Code: Detecting a Button Press

Now, with the hardware ready, we can move on to the software part. We'll write a program to turn an LED on when the button is pressed and off when it's not.

#include <reg52.h> // include the header file 
sbit LED = P1^1; // assign P1.1 to LED
sbit BUTTON = P1^0; // assign P1.0 to BUTTON
void main() {
    while(1) {
        if(BUTTON == 1) // if the button is pressed
            LED = 0; // turn the LED on
            LED = 1; // turn the LED off

In this code, we've assigned pin P1.1 to the LED and pin P1.0 to the button. We then continuously check the state of the button in a while loop. If the button is pressed (BUTTON == 1), we turn the LED on (LED = 0). If it's not pressed, we turn the LED off (LED = 1).

The Menace of Bounce

When you press or release a button, you'd expect it to change state once. However, in reality, mechanical buttons don't work that way. Due to the physical nature of the button, it tends to 'bounce' between states for a few milliseconds before settling down. This phenomenon is known as 'bounce'.

Bounce can lead to unexpected behavior in your circuits. For instance, if you've set up your microcontroller to increment a counter each time a button is pressed, the bouncing could cause the counter to increment multiple times for a single press. That's not what we want!

The Solution: Debouncing

To prevent bounce from wreaking havoc in our circuits, we use a technique called 'debouncing'. Debouncing ensures that multiple transitions of the button within a certain time frame (the bouncing period) are counted as a single transition.

There are two main ways to implement debouncing: hardware debouncing and software debouncing. Hardware debouncing involves using components like resistors, capacitors, or dedicated ICs to smooth out the transition.

Software debouncing, on the other hand, involves writing code to ignore transitions that occur within the bouncing period.

Implementing Software Debouncing

In our extended button interfacing code, we'll implement a simple form of software debouncing. We'll modify our code to ignore any transitions that occur within 20 milliseconds of a previous transition. This should be sufficient for most mechanical buttons.

Here's the updated code:

#include <reg52.h> // include the header file 

#define DEBOUNCE_TIME 20 // debounce time in milliseconds
sbit LED = P1^1; // assign P1.1 to LED
sbit BUTTON = P1^0; // assign P1.0 to BUTTON
unsigned char buttonState; // current state of the button
unsigned long lastDebounceTime; // the last time the button state was toggled

void main() {
    unsigned char lastButtonState = 1; // the previous state of the button
    unsigned long currentTime; // the current time

    while(1) {
        currentTime = millis(); // get the current time
        buttonState = BUTTON; // read the button state

        // if the button state has changed
        if(buttonState != lastButtonState) {
            // reset the debouncing timer
            lastDebounceTime = currentTime;

        // if the debouncing period is over
        if((currentTime - lastDebounceTime) > DEBOUNCE_TIME) {
            // if the button state has changed
            if(buttonState != LED) {
                LED = buttonState; // update the LED state

        lastButtonState = buttonState; // save the current state as the last state

This code uses a debouncing timer to ignore any transitions that occur within the debouncing period.

Each time the button state changes, the debouncing timer is reset.

If the button state stays the same until the debouncing period is over, the change is considered valid, and the LED state is updated.

And there you have it! You've successfully interfaced a button with the W78E052 microcontroller.

Now, the microcontroller can react to the state of the button, opening up a whole world of possibilities.

From here, you can start exploring more complex applications, such as controlling a motor or an LED strip with a button. Happy tinkering!

