
C Control Statements


Conditional Control Statements


Looping Control Statements


Switch Control Statements


Jump Control Statements

C control statements are the backbone of logical programming in C. They add structure, decision-making, and loops, making your code dance to your tune. They are like the spices in a gourmet dish, adding flavor, depth, and sometimes a pinch of chaos.

From the simple 'yes or no' of if statements to the looping madness of for, these constructs are the unsung heroes that keep your code on the right track.

Control Statements: The Junction of Programming

In C, control statements are categorized into three main types -

Decision-making Statements

The 'Should I stay or should I go?' of the programming world.

Looping Statements

The 'repeat after me' mantra that loves to go in circles.

Branching Statements

Taking the road less traveled? Branching statements are your GPS.

Decision-making Statements

if Statement

The if statement is like your cautious friend who always checks the weather before stepping out.

if (itIsRaining) {


  • Simple and intuitive.
  • Great for making single decisions.


  • Can become complex with nested conditions.

if-else Statement

The if-else statement is the more decisive sibling of if. It has a plan B for everything.

if (haveCoffee) {
} else {

switch Statement

The switch statement is like a restaurant menu, offering different options based on your choice.

switch (dayOfWeek) {
  case MONDAY:
  // And so on...


  • Clean and organized.
  • Multiple choices in one place.


  • Limited to constant expressions.

Looping Statements

while Loop

The while loop is the treadmill of C. It keeps running as long as a condition is true.

while (notTired) {

for Loop

The for loop is like a disciplined morning routine. Repeat specific actions for a set number of times.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Branching Statements

break Statement

The break statement is like hitting the emergency stop button. It halts the current loop or switch.

continue Statement

The continued statement is the optimistic cousin of break. It skips the current iteration but keeps the loop going.

goto Statement

The goto statement is the black sheep of the family, often shunned but sometimes useful.

goto end_of_program;
// Some code here
  return 0;

Note: Use goto sparingly, as it can lead to spaghetti code.


Conditional Control Statements

Conditional statements in C are used to make decisions based on certain conditions. They allow you to execute different blocks of code depending on whether a given condition is true or false. The two main conditional statements in C are the "if" statement and the "switch" statement.

Looping Control Statements

Looping control statements in C are used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a certain condition is true or until a specific condition is met. They allow for the iteration and repetition of code blocks. The three main looping control statements in C are the "while" loop, the "do-while" loop, and the "for" loop.

Switch Control Statements

Switch statements in C provide a way to select one code block to execute from multiple possibilities based on the value of a given expression. They offer an alternative to using a series of if-else statements when dealing with multiple cases.

Jump Control Statements

Jump statements in C are used to alter the normal flow of program execution by transferring control to a different part of the program. They allow you to jump to a specific line of code, exit loops prematurely, or skip certain parts of the code based on specific conditions. There are three jump statements in C: break, continue, and goto.
