
Control Statements


Preprocessor Directives

It was initially designed as a systems programming language to write operating systems, compilers, and other low-level software applications.

However, C has since become a widely used language for developing a wide range of software applications, including desktop applications, games, mobile applications, and embedded systems.

One of the primary reasons for C's popularity is its efficiency and speed.

It is a compiled language, which means that the code is translated into machine code that can be executed directly by the computer's CPU.

This makes it faster and more efficient than interpreted languages like Python or Ruby.

C is also known for its simplicity and flexibility. It has a small set of keywords and syntax rules, which makes it easy to learn and understand. However, it also allows programmers to write complex and sophisticated programs by providing low-level control over computer resources, such as memory management and input/output operations.

C supports a wide range of data types, including integers, characters, floating-point numbers, and arrays. It also provides powerful features for working with strings, structures, and pointers, which allow programmers to create complex data structures and algorithms.

One of the challenges of working with C is that it does not provide built-in support for many modern programming paradigms, such as object-oriented programming or garbage collection. This can make it more difficult to write large and complex programs, but it also provides a great deal of flexibility and control to experienced programmers.

Characteristics of C

C is considered a middle-level language, which combines the simplicity of high-level languages with the power of low-level languages.

This unique feature makes it suitable for writing both application programs and system programs, making it an excellent, efficient, and versatile language for various applications, including mathematical, scientific, business, and system software applications.

Low-level programming

C is a low-level programming language, meaning that it provides a close mapping to machine language, which is the language that computers understand.

C allows direct access to memory and system-level resources, giving programmers more control over the hardware than other high-level languages.


C is a highly portable language, meaning that it can be used on different types of hardware and operating systems with relatively few modifications.


C is known for its efficiency in terms of speed and memory usage. It is often used for applications that require fast execution or that have limited memory resources.

Structured programming

C supports structured programming constructs, such as loops, conditionals, and functions, which make it easier to write complex programs.

This allows programmers to break down large programs into smaller, more manageable parts.

Modular programming

C supports modular programming, which involves dividing a program into separate modules or functions that can be developed and tested independently.

This makes it easier to write and maintain large programs.


C is known for its use of pointers, which are variables that hold memory addresses.

Pointers allow programmers to work with data structures in memory, such as arrays and linked lists, and to pass data between functions efficiently.

Standard libraries

C comes with a large set of standard libraries, which provide pre-written functions and modules that can be used in programs. This makes it easier to write programs without having to reinvent the wheel each time.

assignment_add C is a powerful and flexible language that has been used to create a wide range of applications, including operating systems, databases, compilers, and more.

Its efficiency, portability, and low-level capabilities make it a popular choice for system-level programming, while its structured and modular features make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Evolution of C Programming Language

The c programming language was developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs, along with Ken Thompson.

The main motivation behind the development of C was to create a language that could be used to write the Unix operating system, which was also being developed at Bell Labs at the same time.

Before the development of C, programming languages like Assembly and Fortran were commonly used.

These languages were not suitable for writing operating systems because they were designed for specific computer architectures and lacked the portability and flexibility required for such a task.

C was designed as a general-purpose language that could be used on different computer architectures and operating systems.

It was also designed to be a low-level language, which would allow direct access to system resources and hardware.

In 1972, the first version of C was implemented on a PDP-11 computer running the Unix operating system.

The language was further developed and refined over the next few years, with the release of the second edition of "The C Programming Language" book by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in 1988, becoming the de facto standard reference for the language.

C quickly gained popularity among programmers due to its efficiency, flexibility, and portability.

It became the language of choice for writing system software, compilers, and other tools, and was widely used in the development of operating systems, such as Unix, and later on, Linux.

Over the years, several new versions of the language have been developed, including C89, C99, and C11, each with its own features and enhancements.

C remains one of the most widely used programming languages in the world and continues to be an essential tool for software development.

Development and Execution Platforms
for C Programming Language

C can be used on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and Unix.

There are many IDEs available for C development, such as Visual Studio, Dev C++, Eclipse, NetBeans, and Code::Blocks.

These IDEs provide developers with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging tools to streamline the development process.

C code can also be written in text editors like Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Vim, or Sublime Text. While these editors lack some of the features of a full-fledged IDE, they are lightweight and can be used on any platform.

Environment setup for c

insert_page_break Install a C compiler

A compiler is necessary to compile the C code into machine code that the computer can execute.

Some popular C compilers are GCC, Clang, and Microsoft Visual C++. Install the compiler of your choice on your system.

edit_document Choose a text editor or IDE:

A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) is used to write and edit the C code.

Some popular text editors for C programming are VS Code, Notepad++, Vim, and Sublime Text.

IDEs such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, and NetBeans provide additional features like code highlighting, debugging, and code completion.

design_services Set up the development environment

Once you have installed the C compiler and chosen a text editor or IDE, you will need to configure the development environment.

This involves setting up the compiler path and environment variables.

The specific steps will vary depending on your operating system and the text editor or IDE you are using.

data_object Write your C code

Open your text editor or IDE and start writing your C code. You can write a simple "Hello, World!" program to test your environment setup.

terminal Compile Code

Once you have written your C code, save the file with the ".c" extension.

Open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where the file is saved, and compile the code using the appropriate compiler command.

For example, to compile a C program called "myprogram.c" using GCC, you would run the command "gcc myprogram.c -o myprogram".

dvr Run your code

Once the program is compiled, you can run it by typing the name of the executable file (e.g., "myprogram.exe" on Windows or "./myprogram" on Unix-based systems) in the command prompt or terminal.




C is a computer language that has some special words called "keywords". These words have special meanings and are important for writing computer programs in C. You cannot use them as names for things like variables or functions.

Examples of C keywords include "if", "else", "while", "for", "int", "float", and "void". Knowing these keywords and how to use them properly is really important if you want to write good programs in C.


Data Types

In the C programming language, data types refer to an extensive system used for declaring variables or functions of different types. The type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in storage and how the bit pattern stored is interpreted.

The C language provides basic data types such as 'int' for integers, 'char' for characters, 'float' for floating point numbers, and 'double' for double-precision floating point numbers. These data types allow programmers to accurately define the data they intend to store and manipulate in their programs.


Control Statements

Control statements in the C programming language are used to alter the flow of program execution based on certain conditions. These statements allow you to make decisions and repeat certain blocks of code. There are three main types of control statements in C:


Preprocessor Directives

The preprocessor directives are used to provide instructions to the compiler before the actual compilation of the code.

This component is used to include or exclude pieces of code in the program before compilation. The preprocessor directives start with a # symbol and tell the compiler how to handle certain pieces of code.
