Atmega8 and 7-Segment Display Interfacing

Embedded systems have become an integral part of modern technology, with microcontrollers serving as their brains. Among these, the Atmega8 microcontroller stands out for its versatility and ease of use.

Interfacing an Atmega8 with a 7-Segment Display involves connecting the display's segments to the I/O ports of the microcontroller. A 7-segment display has seven LEDs arranged in an ‘8’ shape, with an additional dot (DP) for decimal representation.

Each segment can be lit independently, allowing the display of numerals and some alphabetic characters.

Atmega8 Microcontroller

The Atmega8 is a highly popular 8-bit microcontroller from the AVR family, known for its low power consumption and high performance.

It boasts features such as 8KB of flash memory, 1KB of SRAM, and 512 bytes of EEPROM, making it ideal for a variety of applications. Its 23 programmable I/O lines, 10-bit ADC, and up to 16 MHz clock speed offer great flexibility for interfacing with various peripherals.

Key Features

  • - 8-bit processing capability
  • - 23 programmable I/O lines
  • - 8KB ISP flash memory
  • - 1KB SRAM, 512 bytes EEPROM
  • - Up to 16 MHz clock frequency

7-Segment Display

A 7-segment Display is a simple yet effective way to display numerical information.

It consists of seven LEDs (segments) arranged in a particular pattern, which can be lit in different combinations to represent digits 0-9 and some alphabetic characters.

Types of 7-Segment Displays

  • Common Anode

    All the anodes of the LEDs are connected together.

  • Common Cathode

    All the cathodes are connected together.

Circuit Design and Setup
for ATmega8 and 7-Segment Display

Circuit Schematics

ATmega8 and 7-Segment Display Schematic

To interface the ATmega8 microcontroller with a 7-segment display, a precise circuit design is essential. The following is a detailed schematic and its explanation:

  • ATmega8 Microcontroller

    At the heart of the circuit is the ATmega8. It is responsible for controlling the patterns displayed on the 7-segment display.

  • 7-Segment Display

    A common anode or common cathode 7-segment display can be used. Each segment of the display is connected to an output pin of the ATmega8 through a current-limiting resistor.

  • Current Limiting Resistors

    These are crucial to protect the LEDs in the 7-segment display from excessive current. Typically, 220-330 ohm resistors are suitable.

  • Power Supply

    The ATmega8 operates at 5V, which can be supplied via a regulated power source.

  • Connection to ATmega8

    The segments of the display (labeled a through g, and DP for the decimal point) are connected to the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins of the ATmega8.

Programming the ATmega8
for 7-Segment Display

Programming the ATmega8 to control a 7-segment display involves writing a program in Embedded C that instructs the microcontroller on how to light up specific segments to display numbers or characters. Here's a step-by-step guide to the programming process:-

Basic Programming Concepts

  1. Microcontroller Initialization

    - Set up the ATmega8 clock, if necessary.

    - Initialize the I/O ports that connect to the 7-segment display.

  2. Pin Configuration

    - Define which General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins of the ATmega8 are connected to which segments of the 7-segment display.

    - Configure these pins as output pins.

Writing the Code

Initializing Ports

In the `main()` function, initialize the ports connected to the 7-segment display as output ports. For example, if you're using PORTB, set the DDRB register to configure PORTB as an output port.

Creating Display Functions

Write functions to display numbers and characters. Each function will turn on specific segments to create the desired pattern.

For instance, to display the number '2', the segments a, b, g, e, and d should be lit.

Displaying Numbers and Characters

Create a loop in the `main()` function to display numbers or characters. This could be a static display or a dynamic one based on some input or sensor data.

Delay Function

Implement a delay function to control the display duration of each character or number.

Sample Code Snippet

Here's a simplified example of what the code might look like:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define DELAY_TIME 1000 // Delay time in milliseconds

void displayDigitCommonCathode(uint8_t digit) {
    switch(digit) {
        case 0: PORTD = 0x3F; break; // Display 0
        case 1: PORTD = 0x06; break; // Display 1
        case 2: PORTD = 0x5B; break; // Display 2
        case 3: PORTD = 0x4F; break; // Display 3
        case 4: PORTD = 0x66; break; // Display 4
        case 5: PORTD = 0x6D; break; // Display 5
        case 6: PORTD = 0x7D; break; // Display 6
        case 7: PORTD = 0x07; break; // Display 7
        case 8: PORTD = 0x7F; break; // Display 8
        case 9: PORTD = 0x6F; break; // Display 9
        default: PORTD = 0x00; break; // Turn off all segments

void displayDigitCommonAnode(uint8_t digit) {
    switch(digit) {
        case 0: PORTD = ~0x3F; break; // Display 0
        case 1: PORTD = ~0x06; break; // Display 1
        case 2: PORTD = ~0x5B; break; // Display 2
        case 3: PORTD = ~0x4F; break; // Display 3
        case 4: PORTD = ~0x66; break; // Display 4
        case 5: PORTD = ~0x6D; break; // Display 5
        case 6: PORTD = ~0x7D; break; // Display 6
        case 7: PORTD = ~0x07; break; // Display 7
        case 8: PORTD = ~0x7F; break; // Display 8
        case 9: PORTD = ~0x6F; break; // Display 9
        default: PORTD = 0xFF; break; // Turn off all segments

int main(void) {
    DDRD = 0xFF; // Set PORTD as an output port

    while(1) {
        for(uint8_t i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
            displayDigitCommonAnode(i); // Display digits 0-9

    return 0;

This example code sequentially displays the digits 0 to 9 on the 7-segment display. The `displayDigit` function receives a digit and sets PORTD to the corresponding pattern that represents the digit on the 7-segment display.

Code Optimization

  • Memory Efficiency: Optimize your code to use as little memory as possible, especially if you plan to extend the functionality.
  • Power Consumption: Minimize power consumption by turning off segments not in use and considering sleep modes for the ATmega8.
