
General Purpose Inputs/Outputs(GPIO)

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The ATTiny10 is a marvel of microcontroller design, compact yet packed with features. A key aspect of its functionality lies in its GPIOs. These pins are instrumental in interfacing the microcontroller with the outside world, be it sensors, switches, or other digital devices. But, to truly harness their power, one must understand the underlying registers and bits that control them.

ATtiny10 Microcontroller

General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) is a basic feature in microcontrollers that allows user-defined input and output operations. GPIO pins can be toggled high (supply voltage) or low (ground) to control various peripherals or read as input to capture signals and data.

These Atmel microcontrollers have a limited number of pins - just 6, with three of them available as GPIO pins. These are PB0, PB1, and PB2. Despite the limited count, these pins are highly versatile and capable of digital I/O, analog input, PWM output, and more.

